I signed up for the SchedulesDirect Service and created a lineup, but I get a Error when I try to download schedule data.
Activation of your your account may take up to 1 hour. Even though you may be able to logon to the Zap2It site and create a lineup, you will not
be able to download schedule data with MacProgramGuide until the account is activated.
Why does the latest version of MacProgramGuide require OS version 10.3.9?
MacProgramGuide uses certain functions only available in OS 10.3.9, unfortunately we do not have the resources at this time to create and support multiple versions on the program for different
OS versions. Please drop us an email if you are affected by this decision.
When I run the program the icon boucnes a couple of times then stops, the main window never appears.
This is often causes by an incompatible or corrupt program database. To correct this delete the database file mpgschedule.dat located at ~/Library/Application Support/MacProgramGuide
How do I delete the program database.
Delete the database file mpgschedule.dat located at ~/Library/Application Support/MacProgramGuide
I'm getting the message that my subscription has expired, how do I renew?
Subscriptions for the SchedulesDirect service can be renewed at the SchedulesDirect site, log into and follow the instructions.
I've set the program preferences to download schedule for next x days, but only one day schedule data was downloaded.
The download command only downloads the number of days specified in the preferences labeled Days of Schedule Data in each request, the Max Days of Schedule Data Stored Locally setting in the preferences panel sets the maximum number of days that can be downloaded through multiple download requests.
How do I schedule recordings with The Tube?
Directions for setting up MacProgramGuide can be found here
Why are recordings not scheduled in The Tube?
Channel names must follow a the naming convention specified here, review the setup directions and confirm the channels are named correctly.