8/25/07 -
Version 0.55 is now available for download here. This version works with the Schedules Direct Data service. The Schedules Direct service costs $15 for 3 months. As of this release the zap2it service is no longer supported. Instructions for signing up with the service are included in the quickstart guide.
Important Announcement!
8/14/07 -
I'm pleased to announce that SchedulesDirect will be providing TV schedule data for MacProgramGuide when Zap2it Labs discontinues the service on September 1, 2007. The initial subscription cost will be $15 (US) for 3 months, with the goal of lowering to $20 per year if enough people sign up. Please visit the SchedulesDirect site
for more information about subscribing to the service.
A new version of MacProgramGuide (0.55) will be available when the SchedulesDirect service goes live later this month.
7/1/07 - On June 19, 2007 zap2it announced that will be discontinuing the free TV schedule data service on September 1, 2007. This announcement came as a surprise to myself as well as many others. My original goals for the program were to provide TV listings without all the ads and to provide better searching than is provided on many of the Program Guide websites. Over the past few years I have spent many hours developing and supporting MacProgramGuide and have enjoyed all the postive feedback that many of you have provided.
I'm currently exploring licensing the zap2it data so that MacProgramGuide can continue to exist. If MacProgramGuide continues with with the zap2it data there likely will be an associated subscription cost to pay for licensing the data. My intent is would be to keep the costs as minimal as possible. I realize that this information is available for free elsewhere, but I believe that the benefits that MacProgramGuide provides make it a much more preferred solution and worth a nominal monthly fee.
If you would be interested in supporting a subscription based program guide let me know by sending me an email.
Version 0.54 is now available for download here. This version fixes schedule download problems and adds schedule browsing to French localized version.
6/20/07 -
Version 0.53 is now available for download here. This version fixes a problem running the program in languages other than English.
6/20/07 -
Version 0.52 is now available for download here. This version contains startup and shutdown performance improvements. Also adds keyboard navigation to schedule grid.
5/30/07 -
Version 0.51 is now available for download here. This version corrects fixes the search function broke in the previous release. Also fixes a problem when running with 10.3.9
5/28/07 -
Version 0.50 is now available for download here.
3/30/07 -
Version 0.42 is now available for download here.
This version updates the expiration date of the program.
Version 0.5 is currently being finalized and will be available soon. Here's a preview of a few of the features:

Programs in the grid can be color coded by program type. The image below shows an example of this. The colors for each program type are user definable.

MacProgramGuide now has a browse view for searching for programs by name or by channel. The data shown is customizable and column sorting is supported.

You can now add your own applescripts to the action menu to extend MacProgramGuide.
9/30/06 -
Version 0.41 is now available for download here..
This corrects a problem running with OS 10.3.9
6/19/06 -
Version 0.31b is now available for download here..
3/21/06 -
Version 0.3b is available for download here. It's a Universal Binary and features a new navigation control, shown here.

The release also features integrated Amazon search function as shown here.

NOTE: This version runs on OS X 10.3.9 or later.
You may have noticed the banner ads recently added to this site. Please consider using the links to Amazon on this site for your purchases, these help to offset the cost of hosting and maintenance of this site.
3/9/06 -
Version 0.3b is progressing along nicely. It will be a Universal Binary and contain a new navigation system. Look for this version to be released later this month.
You may have noticed the banner ads recently added to this site. Please consider using the links to Amazon on this site for your purchases, these help to offset the cost of hosting and maintenance of this site.
2/23/06 -
New release of MacProgramGuide is now available for download here. This new release fixes a display problem with program listings in French and Spanish.
2/21/06 -
The second release of MacProgramGuide is now available for download here. This new release includes EyeTV and iCal integration as well as numerous other enhancements.
We are working to release a Universal Version of MacProgramGuide..
2/7/06 -
The second release of MacProgramGuide is being finalized right now. This new release will include EyeTV and iCal integration as well as many other enhancements. This release will be available for download shortly.
12/11/05 -
The first beta release of MacProgramGuide now available for download.
12/08/05 -
MacProgramGuide is in a final test phase and will be released within the next week barring any unforeseen issues. Keep Checking back.
11/29/05 -
Putting together the first release of MacProgramGuide. Stay tuned for for the release announcement.